Next Time Somebody Brings You Down or Mistreats You

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Your worth is not negotiable.

Whenever you feel worse or unworthy because of what somebody else says about you, realize that two factors are at play.

First, their nasty comment stems from their unhappiness and not feeling good enough.

People who are content and satisfied with their life never feel the need to bring others down.

People who feel threatened by your greatness will try to diminish you.

People who feel miserable with where they are will try to rob you of your happy place.

Never give them such power.

Secondly, their behaviour toward yourself is also a perfect indicator of how you subconsciously feel about yourself. How they treat you is a precious feedback of how you feel and think about yourself.

Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.

— James Allen
If deep down you fear not being worthy enough, your beliefs will reflect how others treat you. The all-forgiving and all-consuming love starts within you.

Instead of believing that you will never get good at something, start telling yourself that you have every chance of improvement.

There is nobody to change but self.

No, it is not your fault that somebody treats you wrong. It is also not an excuse for disrespect.

It is simply a reflection.

You don’t change the reflection in the mirror. If you don’t like what you see, you change yourself.

Change how you treat yourself.
Become a master at setting boundaries.
Evaluate what you spend your time and energy on.
Change how you greet yourself in the mirror.
Change how you treat your body.

Liking yourself is a luxury you can afford.

When you make your life all about you (as you should), you show respect and boost your self-esteem.

You take care of your body. You prioritize healthy eating. You read books that nourish your soul and mind. You express yourself creatively because it nurtures your authenticity.

Here, I am going in with a cliché: the authentic you is the most attractive you.

When you prioritize yourself, you show how you want to be treated.

The world can be a beautiful reflection of your inner state. It is only up to you to take care of what is being reflected to you.

Self-love is one of the best life hacks in your possession.

When you give love to yourself, not only do you not pay attention to somebody else’s behaviour, but you receive love from the world.

If you don’t treat and regard yourself as royalty, then how can you expect the same treatment from others?

Once you change how you treat yourself, you attract others who respect you at the same lever you show respect for yourself.

You are the mirror of the world. There’s no way to receive the blessings of quality relationships who appreciate you if you aren’t embodying the same.

You create opportunities with how you think about life.

When you hear advice from somebody else, always look at their life and their achievements.

If they aspire to your level of happiness, your ambitions and if their life reflects how you want to live, then by any means meditate on the advice.

But never accept criticism or advice from somebody who does not represent your standards and aspirations. Don’t accept trash of other people.

It is astonishing how people mistake criticism for advice and empathy.

You choose what you believe is possible for yourself. You choose whether you believe what somebody else thinks about you.

You are in more control of your life than you give yourself credit for.

If you want to get out of a shitty place or an abusive relationship, stop giving it power.

Your focus is your power. What you focus on gets magnified.

Never give your focus to haters. Your attention is their fuel.

Decide to build better beliefs about yourself that boost your confidence and security.

Self-belief can move mountains.

You won’t change your life if you constantly worry about other people or take their words or treatment to heart.

Once you realize that you are worthy, and feel secure within yourself, without anyone’s presence in your life, then you will start treating yourself better and the world will respond accordingly.

Don’t focus on revenge. Don’t focus on hate. A confident and secure person focuses on herself and prioritizes self-growth.

Quiet your mind.

Count your breaths.

Repeat to yourself:

I deserve to be treated with respect.
I am strong, brave, and beautiful inside and out.
The more I love myself, the more love I have to give others.
I feel comfortable in my body and in my mind.
I release old beliefs that no longer serve me.



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