Why You Should Cut Cords With People

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If you have recently felt blocked and stagnant in your life, this article is for you.

Did you know you can pass your energy on to another person?

In the same way, you also absorb the energy of people you spend time with.

We are energetic beings. We are more than our physical bodies. We create energetic cords and tune into the energy of another. Those cords can either support our development or weigh us down.

Getting selective about our tribe is crucial for our well-being.

The quality of our relationships influences our health, happiness, and success.

Problematic people can be a heavy drag on your happiness.

How do you know it is the time to end some relationships?

You Feel Drained.

Have you noticed how some people leave you feeling emotionally sapped and physically exhausted?

People can be manipulative, jealous, or spiteful. And it has nothing to do with you but how they perceive the world.

Sadly, their behaviour affects your life.

Some people never stop talking. Then there are those who continually test your patience.

Energetic vampires are like the Dementors from the Harry Potter series. They have an uncanny ability to enter your life and drain it of positivity, leaving you wiped out.

Yes, people are our best teachers. But if somebody makes you feel exhausted and suck the life energy out of you, it is time to let them go.

I don’t know about you but the technique of letting go improved my life, mentally and physically.

When you let go of exhausting people, the quality of your life soars.

You Feel Not Enough.

If their presence becomes unsettling to your spirit, never ignore the signs.

People who constantly criticize their surroundings can hijack your sense of self. They infect your mood and outlook on life.

People who suffer from low self-esteem tend to project their worldview onto others. They don’t have to do it intentionally. It is not the point. The point is:

their low vibes affect your performance and the level of your happiness.
If you feel inadequate or start doubting yourself after the meeting, end the relationship ruthlessly.

You can offer help to somebody who is struggling with low self-worth, but only if the person herself wants help.

Our human nature is to please others. We find it hard to say no.

But allowing others to diminish the quality of your life isn’t noble. It is self-destruction.

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.

— Mark Twain
You Don’t Enjoy Life Anymore.
Attitude is everything.

Pessimism travels like a virus.

If you have ever spent time with a pessimistic family member, you know how draining you feel afterwards. Next thing you know, you lash out at people who did not deserve your tantrum.

Some people like drama. You have to let them be. Do your best to live life on your terms, without them.

Don’t try to change people. It is inefficient and exhausting. Start with yourself.

Like attracts like. If you adopt a pessimistic take on life, your tribe and environment will reflect what you promote with your mind.

But when you decide you want to keep living expecting the best, your surroundings will adapt.

The next time someone rains on your parade, reply:

I respect your attitude toward life but let me keep and enjoy my love for life.

You Are Not Selfish.

Your purpose is to evolve and grow. It means letting go of that which no longer serves you.

Being selective about your circle of friends is self-care. You make space for new possibilities to enter your life.

We all want to be liked and appreciated. It is hard for us to set boundaries.

But you cannot serve anyone by making yourself smaller. People-pleasing sabotages your success.

Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt. They’re not painful. That’s not just with somebody you want to marry, but it’s with the friends that you choose. It’s with the people you surround yourselves with.

— Michelle Obama
At the end of the day, you deserve happiness as much as they do.

It is not selfish to want peace. Your tribe determines your success.

Surround yourself with people who build you up, not tear your dreams apart.

Problematic people will try approaching everyone. They feed off somebody else’s energy. The question is:

Why do we let them linger in our lives?

Meditate Your Way Out of the Harmful Connection.

If you feel anxious about a certain partnership, it doesn’t mean that the person is evil.

It means you have a damaging attachment.

You can cut negative energetic cords through visualization.

Sit relaxed. Close your eyes.

Visualize the person in front of you.

Imagine the cords connecting you with that person. Where do you see connections? Hands, torso, head?

Be grateful for the lesson, the wisdom, and the experience the relationship has offered you.

Imagine yourself holding scissors that cut those energetic tubes connecting both of you. Fill your heart with gratitude for releasing yourself from what no longer serves you.

Ask the Universe for guidance to replenish the new space with blessed energy.

Mindfully Craft Your Relationships.

Ask yourself, whose energy do I want to merge with?

What qualities do I find most attractive in people?

Then incorporate those qualities in your life and behaviour as well. Watch the magic unfolds.

Boundaries do not limit you. They are the passport to freedom.

People in your environment have a critical impact on the quality of your life. But it doesn’t mean you should limit your social interactions.

Get to know people. Expand your social circles, but pay attention to how they make you feel.

Commit to people who add to your life rather than take away from it.
Don’t feel bad for ending certain partnerships.

Not every relationship is meant to be with us for a lifetime.

People come in for a season or for a reason.

Respect it and let yourself thrive.


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