A Simple Morning Habit That Will Significantly Improve Your Health and Boost Your Productivity

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How often do you wake up with a clear head and loads of energy to get started on your day?

If you’re like most people, it probably doesn’t happen often. It probably takes you an hour or two to really wake up and reach a point where you can be productive. The unfortunate fact is too many people start their days like this, and their productivity, their health, and their happiness suffer as a result.

The fortunate fact is that one stupidly simple habit can completely turn this situation around.

The Number One Crucial Morning Habit
If you do nothing else in your morning routine, at least get some water into your body.

Without enough water, our bodies won’t be able to effectively execute everything else we need them to. It is so important to drink water in the morning.

Dehydration is not good for us and is definitely not a productive or healthy way to start the day.

During the night you sweat and breathe, and lose a surprisingly large amount of fluid. Drinking water as soon as you wake up will rehydrate the body and will aid your body in starting to flush toxins out.

About 60% of our bodies are water, and adequate hydration is required for loads of functions in your body, including:

Lubricating joints
Regulating body temperature
Transporting nutrients to cells
Transporting waste out of cells
Regulating mood and cognition
If you want to be in peak form and continue working toward optimizing your health, make sure you are hydrated.

Although this practice is stupidly simple and not very exciting, it has the power to completely change your day. ​

Action Steps
This practice is flexible.

Here are two key options:

Keep a bottle of water on your bedside table
Go straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water after waking
But do whatever is going to work best for you and be most sustainable. It doesn’t matter what this habit looks like, the point is to have water and to ensure it gets done every morning.

To make this water even more beneficial, you can “hack” it to make a morning cocktail — something I learned from Aubrey Marcus.

He recommends putting a pinch of pink Himalayan salt in your water and a squirt of lemon juice.

The pink Himalayan salt will provide trace minerals that have been depleted overnight — in particular, sodium chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium — all the vital electrolytes.

The squirt of lemon juice has numerous benefits:

Helps with liver health (important for detoxification processes in the body)
Provides a small dose of antioxidants
Provides a small dose of vitamin C
Aids digestion

Front loading your day with healthy habits may be one of the best things you could do for your health.

And one especially powerful habit is having a lot of water as soon as possible after waking. This simple habit will set you up for a healthy and productive day where your mood is stable, you’re full of energy, and you’re thinking clearly.

So tonight, get your water ready for the morning so it’s there and waiting for when you wake up tomorrow.

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