5 Signs You Are Meant To Be a Loner

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I love having time for myself… it’s very special to me.

I’d rather be alone and happy than be unhappy with someone. Having time for myself gives me time and space to relax and enjoy my life more.

But what about you?

Have you ever thought of why you’re different than the rest? You may feel like no one understands you and you don’t fit in society.

That alone doesn’t really make you “the weird one.” and you’re not alone in this.

Being a loner isn’t always easy, but it does have some positive benefits.

You’re free from drama, stress, and troubles. And there are people out there who are just as much of a loner as you.

Some of them are just good at hiding themselves in this world.

Anyway, what are the positive benefits of being a loner that I mentioned before? These are the ones (you may relate to these signs)

1. You Refuse To Be Involved In Drama.
“I do not have time for things that have no soul.” ~ Charles Bukowski.
You don’t have time for nonsense. You hate wasting your precious time being involved in other people’s drama.

Life is too precious to waste time on anything that doesn’t fulfill your soul’s purpose in this world.
You’d rather spend your time on meaningful moments such as studying personal growth and creating happy memories with your pet.

Being a loner makes you mature early. Spending time for yourself makes you think about what you want to do with your life.

Maybe gossip and drama were part of your daily life in the past, but not anymore.

One day, you decided to delete this unhealthy habit, and you haven’t felt happier since. Deleting this habit from your system has made your life better.

You know that one day you will die and regret wasting your time creating drama and gossiping about other people.

You know you could use all these moments to create something beautiful instead.

Don’t create drama, create beauty.
What can you do about it? Don’t gossip about people you don’t like (who have nothing to do with you). Talk about people who inspire you to do better in this life. Use your time to find inspiration everywhere you go.

2. You Need To Recharge Your Energy After Being Social.
I consider myself a loner.

I feel drained out after being social.

It would take days before I felt ready to be social again. I would be overwhelmed by seeing so many people at once.

It’s like gaining new information in such a short time.

It’s information such as people’s energy, the things they talk about, the vibration of their voice, how they treat other people, and the type of vibe they create in a room.

You get drained out by people’s energy if you stay with them for too long. Sometimes, you feel relieved when someone cancels a plan.

It means you will not get drained out today, which relieves you. You feel happy knowing you have no plans for today. You’d rather be at home than go to parties where everyone gets drunk.

One day, you decide to have a connection with someone in real life. You realize the person has a chaotic mind, and you want to return to solitude because you always get disappointed by the people you meet.

Hey, I don’t blame you *shrugging*

3. You Take Walks Alone To Clear Your Mind.
“The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil.” ~ Thomas A. Edison.
I do this all the time, and it feels wonderful.

Sometimes I would plug in earphones and listen to calm music while taking a walk in the local park. It has become a part of my routine. It helps me to think about my life.

It helps to clear my mind, and I would get new ideas out of the blue. I would call it divine inspiration (inspiration from God or higher power). You get great ideas by being surrounded by nature.

You get energy by using energy. You also release a lot of energy by taking a walk. You come home tired and have an easier time falling asleep.

You love this routine. You choose this routine instead of going to parties. This type of ritual gives you fulfillment and satisfaction. It helps you to see the beautiful side of life.

Being alone in parks and nature makes you feel like you’re in an artistic world. It’s because parks and nature look like beautiful pieces of painting.

4. You Appreciate Having Time For Yourself.
“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”~ Michel de Montaigne.
Being alone is essential to you. Sometimes you want to stay home by yourself doing things such as; lighting up the incense, drinking a cup of tea, lighting up the candle, listening to music, and meditating.

You value having time for yourself. You enjoy rediscovering yourself in solitude. You learn more about yourself by being in your own company.

You have gratitude for your free time. Having some time for yourself helps you handle your social life better. It does to me.

Having time for yourself is a natural anti-stress habit.
You love spending time for yourself, and that is an excellent form of meditation and self-love practice. You love the feeling of curling up in your bed while listening to relaxing music.

You do things for yourself, such as reading a book or taking a trip to your local museum. Enjoying time for yourself is self-love and self-care. It’s good for your mental health.

5. You Feel Like Not Many Understand You.
It can be a scary feeling to feel alone in this world. Sometimes you wish people could understand you and see the world the same way as you do.

When you’re a loner, you see the world differently.
And you can’t help feeling this way.

Sometimes you think everyone sees the world the same way as you and have your level of maturity. It isn’t until you meet people that you realize how chaotic people are on the inside.

It makes you sad to see people confused and lost in this world. You try to help people, but they refuse to get help. You don’t know why you continue to encounter immature people with low consciousness.

You strive for meaningful and deep conversation. You try to have a connection with people, but they don’t vibe with you.

They’d rather have small talk, and if you come up with words of wisdom, they’d act weird because they don’t think as deeply as you.

They are not used to hearing words of wisdom.

It’s okay. I know it can make you feel alone in this world. Just know that many people go through the same thing as you.

It doesn’t make you weird; you just haven’t met your tribe yet, but they are out there, seeking you as well.

The Takeaways.
1. Stay away from drama; they don’t fulfill you. It’s a waste of time. Stay closer to what makes you happy and brings you fulfillment in your life. Being around dramatic people is bad for your mental health.
2 . You can’t be social for too long. You need time to be alone and recharge your energetic batteries. Being around people for a long time becomes overwhelming for you.
3. You enjoy taking long walks to the parks and nature while listening to your favorite songs on your headphones. Taking a long walk helps clear your mind from all the stress you’ve dealt with.
4. There are many ways to appreciate your solitude. Simply light up a candle, watch your favorite movie, listen to uplifting music, do self-care journaling, and say lovely words to yourself in the mirror.
5. Understand that it’s okay if not many people understand you. You will one day end up with people who understand you. All you have to do is seek the right tribe, as the right tribe of people is also seeking you. You are not “weird,” you’re just a remarkable human being.

The Final Statement.
Being a loner is a beautiful thing. If you resonate with all these five signs, you are born to be a loner. You just couldn’t words into why you’re this way, but now you realize it’s because you’re a loner.

It’s better to have a small circle of friends than to have “many” things who secretly have bad intentions for you. If you have ever been betrayed, you will realize it’s better to trust a few.

There is a gift in being a loner. You mature early, and it makes you value time. Being alone makes you realize it’s more important to be authentic than to play a fake role to please people.

If no one can accept you for who you are, you decide to be alone yourself. It’s because you refuse to be unhappy with people. You’d rather be alone and sad than feel alone with someone who always makes you sad.

Being a loner makes you mature and become wise beyond your years.

Your life becomes harmonious while everyone lives in chaos.

If you have all these signs, consider yourself a loner.



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